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Engaging on a weight loss programme can be a daunting prospect enough to have anyone reaching for the chocolate tin.

If you are fed up with faddy diets that do not produce results then I can help you reach your goals. By carrying out a detailed nutritional analysis which will find out about your current diet, lifestyle, food likes and dislikes and it will identify an individual weight loss plan which will include sensible realistic advice on the foods to eat and those to avoid. It won’t be easy and there are no quick fixes but I will work with you to identify improvements in your diet and prescribe the most effective exercises for weight loss.

General Tonic Tips for weight management

  • Avoid the typical diet weight gain cycle, if you cut your calorific intake by too much and lose more than 1lb a week, you will be losing muscle and therefore:
    • Your metabolic rate slows down
    • Lipase (fat storing hormone) levels rise as the body tries to conserve energy.
    • Leptin (hormone which informs your brain when you are full) levels fall
  • When you return to your normal eating habits, your reduced metabolism, elevated lipase and reduced leptin levels will lead to weight gain. Put simply diets may make you fat!
  • Combine resistance work with cardiovascular workouts. Muscle requires more energy than fat, increasing muscle tone will also aid weight loss by raising your metabolic rate.

I have completed nutritional analysis and weight management modules as part of a Personal Training Diploma. I am an associate member of the Nutritional Advisor’s Register.

So call me on 07712 776657 or email to arrange a free consultation and fitness test and to discuss how to best embark on your weight loss regime combining diet and exercise for long term results.

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