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senior exercises
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There is no need to associate old age with chronic disease, mental and physical deterioration, slowing down and loss of independence.

Many of these negative effects can be slowed down or even reversed by regular stimulating exercise and a healthy balanced diet. Like pregnancy ageing does have specific effects on your body that affects the exercises that are safe, appropriate and effective.

I am specifically qualified to prescribe a challenging routine that is safe, effective and appropriate for the senior exerciser.

Benefits of exercise specific to the older individual
There are many wide-ranging benefits of regular exercise. Here are just a few to motivate you:
• Stronger bones
• Increased muscular strength, balance and mobility
• Less risk of falling and causing injury
• Increased cardiovascular fitness
• Enhanced emotional and mental well-being
• Reduced physical symptoms of any diseases (see medical conditions tab)
• Prevent cognitive impairment

So call me on 07712 776657 or email to arrange a free consultation and fitness test and to discuss how to best embark on your exercise regime.

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